Hijab and Challenges to Muslim Women in the Western Sphere of Influence
Veil, Hijab, Western, Western Influence, ChallengesAbstract
The status of Muslim Women’s in Islam is very righteous and purest from any other religion of the world. Women’s are considered more elegant and spiritual in the eye of Islamic prophecy and their protection from evil eyes is naturally condoned in Islam, but as the world has fragmented and globalized, states have been divided into two distinctive parts the north and the south. Now, as the world is divided into northern and southern hemisphere. The traditional and cultural practices condemned each and every state of the west and south to practice their religious, cultural, and social norm, racial and religious conflict tends to generate. Even in the region like France, United Kingdom Muslim women are forced to move around the society without their cultural identities and are condemned to wear Hijab in working place, governmental sector. They are violated by their religious rights and are forced to follow the western cultural sphere of influence. Islam is a religion of peace and harmony that dealing with the equality of all mankind within its teaching and practical philosophy. Women around the world have different statuses of living in accordance with the practices and traditions accumulated in their religion or way of living. Many religions except Islam, accept women’s has a testimonial figure for men and their rigid policies create gender inequality. But on the other side of gender biases and disapproved status of women is omitted for economic and political stability within various states but lacks the prevailing status of women to participate in social affairs and politics freely as compared to men. The article will justify the testimony for the embellishment of Hijab and women rights in sight of Islamic preaching.
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