Call for Papers 2024
We are pleased to announce the call for papers for our upcoming issue of Karachi Islamicus.
islamicus Islamic studies religious studies theology theological sciences religion
The peer-reviewed Karachi Islamicus provides a forum for multi-disciplinary research into the complex dynamics of religious discourses and practices in Islam around the world, both historical and contemporary. The journal’s underlying idea is that religion around the world is characterized by a variety of pluralisms. There is a pluralism of religious communities that actively engage with one another. Additionally, there is a pluralism of societal systems, such as nations, law, politics, economy, science, and art, all of which interact with religious systems. There is also a pluralism of scholarly discourses, including religious studies, legal studies, history, anthropology, sociology, philosophy, and psychology, that are addressing the religious dynamics involved. Karachi Islamicus encourages new research that responds to the changing Worldly dimension of Islamic studies.
Editor: Dr. Abdur Rahman Khan
ISSN-P: 2790-654X
ISSN-E: 2790-6558
DOI: 10.58575
Frequency: Semi-Anually
Publisher: Meta Analysis & Research Syndicate (MANARS)
We are pleased to announce the call for papers for our upcoming issue of Karachi Islamicus.
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Karachi Islamicus
Published by: Meta Analysis and Research Syndicate
ISSN: 2790-6558 (Online), 2790-654X (Print)
Journal Centre of MANARS, ST-1/C1, Main Rashid Minhas Road, Gulshan e Mustafa, Karachi.
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