The Status of the Use of Artificial Intelligence in Ijtihad


  • Bashir Ahmed Lecturer, University of Mansoorah, Hala



Artificial, Intelligence, Reasoning, Jurist’s Reasoning, Islam


The revolution of artificial intelligence has equally affected worldly and religious life and worldly life has paved the way for it. Religious life is still working hard to adopt it. In this regard, the Islamic world has talked about artificial intelligence. There is a good opinion that science is not against Islam and it is better to use it for convenience. The use of artificial intelligence in Islamic affairs, and especially for Ijtihad, has become a debate. In this paper, we will talk about the conditions of Ijtihad mentioned by scholars. Will artificial intelligence be able to fulfill those conditions or not? If it is fulfilled, will artificial intelligence be allowed to do so? To what extent can artificial intelligence be allowed to perform Ijtihad if most of the conditions are met? These things will be reviewed in this paper.


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Author Biography

Bashir Ahmed , Lecturer, University of Mansoorah, Hala

M.Phil Scholar
Sheikh Zayed Islamic Centre
University of Karachi


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How to Cite

Bashir Ahmed. (2021). The Status of the Use of Artificial Intelligence in Ijtihad. Karachi Islamicus, 1(1), 1–14.
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